Pagina 4 di 4

Inviato: lun apr 28, 2008 7:25 pm
da Sonia
April 28, 2008
Looks Like this Clutch DID Engage in 4th-egg Gear!
Yeperini - we have number 4. From folks commenting last night and the first documented appearance of the broken egg shell, looks to have happened about 12:35 am EDT - almost a full two days after the last one hatched.

As I always say, these birds never cease to teach me something new. I know this happens elsewhere - a lag time between hatchings - but in my recent memory I don't remember this happening in Indy for this long of a stretch. Richard may have a different experience since he has monitored longer than I have. But then we have never had three hatch within in 24 hours of each other.

Not to worry about this newest little one folks and its status as last but not least. As Richard pointed out yesterday in a comment on the last post:

"KathyQ does not allow the chicks to grab food on their own, she chooses which is fed and how much. That way the "runt" has a better chance of gaining on its siblings. Before FalconCam, we had closed circuit TV monitoring from about 5:00 AM until dark, around 8:00 PM and I saw Scout feed one smaller chick three times before feeding the other three "normal" ones. She had control as does KathyQ. Kinney, on the other hand, seems to feed only if he can catch a bite or two for himself and is not as choosy about who gets fed."

Two things - as I am the last of 4 children, I have always felt my parents saved the best for last - sorry Donna, Peter and Gloria. Okay, probably not true but I had to throw that in. Love you siblings.

The other thing is that with this fourth chick hatching, if they all make it to fledging alive, the total progeny for Kinney will be 50! Simply amazing and he will continue to be the most productive tiercel of the studied peregrine population in 13 states and 2 partial areas of provinces in Canada.

Wunderbar Kinney! Prosit!



Inviato: mar apr 29, 2008 1:46 am
da Giovanna
"According to the site, all four eggs have now hatched. The fourth apparently hatched around 12:35 a.m. EDT this morning. Of course I haven't been able to see the new baby yet - Kathy Q is keeping them covered.

This feeding took place a few minutes ago, but Kathy Q is between the cam and the babies. Kinney watched from the ledge." (AlisonL)
Immagine :D :D :D :D
Sempre prese da AlisonL.

Inviato: mar apr 29, 2008 9:19 pm
da Sonia
eccoli i tre monelli!




:D :D :lol:

Inviato: mar apr 29, 2008 9:25 pm
da Sonia
ma c'è papà ora, credo!




poi è arrivata lei!!! e lui via...


Inviato: mar apr 29, 2008 9:47 pm
da Giovanna
Zia Sonia non sa contare.. :(
Troppi nidi...
Siamo 4 noi di Indy!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
Basta, no ve li faccio più vedere!


Inviato: mar apr 29, 2008 9:59 pm
da Sonia
e ho pure messo la news dal sito! :lol:

Inviato: mar apr 29, 2008 11:35 pm
da Giovanna
Don't mind! :D
Credo che sia un tipico stress da sovraccarico di uova-pulcini-nidi.. :wink:
Io ho combinato ben di peggio...

Inviato: mar mag 06, 2008 12:14 pm
da Sonia


Inviato: mar lug 22, 2008 10:10 am
da Roxy
6 p.m. – Injured falcon on the mend
By Christine Won

Magee, the Downtown peregrine falcon injured Friday night, has a simple fracture and should make a full recovery. He has a fractured ulna in one wing, and because there are two bones in that section of the limb, the other bone can act as a splint for the one that is broken.

Angela Lennox, veterinarian at the Avian and Exotic Animal Clinic of Indianapolis and the vet who treated the young raptor, said the two broken ends are well-aligned and broken in the middle, which is better than an injury near a joint.

"That combination of factors makes this an ideal situation for healing," Lennox said. "We'll work with rehabilitators for rechecking and physical therapy, and when the bone is strong enough, off he goes."

Magee's sister Edna died after being hit by a semi on I-65. Magee was found nearby, also on the highway.

The young falcons were among four hatched this spring to mating pair Kinney and KathyQ in a nest box near the top of Market Tower, high over Monument Circle.

Birdwatchers and volunteers for the state Department of Natural Resources have been keeping tabs on Edna, Adira, and Val, all females, and their brother Magee.

Bert Hanneman, 49, Indianapolis, was visiting relatives when he saw two of the young birds in trouble Friday night on I-65 south of Downtown.

"We noticed one falcon kept swooping down toward the highway and saw that on one side of the highway, there was a falcon that appeared to be injured," he said. The injured bird was Magee. "Edna swooped down and landed on the other side of the highway. When she tried to fly across the highway, she didn't get high enough, and a truck hit her and killed her instantly."

Inviato: mar lug 22, 2008 10:40 am
da Vanna
Roxy ti è possibile una breve traduzione? :roll: :roll:
Grazie :wink:

Inviato: dom lug 27, 2008 1:12 am
da Giovanna
Non traduco, ma questa è la sintesi di varie notizie provenienti per la maggior parte dall'IndyStar:
Dei 4 piccoli di Indy, 2 hanno avuto un destino drammatico.
La sera del 4 luglio Magee (E/87) ha attraversato una highway ed è atterrato male, ferito, dall'altra parte. Edna (*P/*W), la sorella che volava con lui in quel momento, lo ha seguito sbattendo contro un mezzo pesante ed è morta all'istante.
E' morta giocando, non ha avuto il tempo di soffrire, o almeno così voglio credere.
Il soccorso è stato immediato e Magee, con un'ulna rotta, è ricoverato nel centro di rehab più vicino. Dato che si tratta di una frattura semplice, le possibilità di guarigione sono molto buone. Questo non significa che potrà essere liberato con sicurezza, forse dovrà vivere in cattività, come tanti altri. Ancora non lo sappiamo.
Gli aggiornamenti si possono vedere sul sito citato sopra. Comunque, non solo è in ottime mani, ma ormai la sua ala non è più fasciata, può muoversi liberamente, mangia con ottimo appetito ed è aggressivo. Tutto questo fa sperare per il meglio.
Qualche foto.


Inviato: dom lug 27, 2008 8:06 am
da Niseema
:cry: :cry:

che faccino il piccolo... :)

Inviato: dom lug 27, 2008 12:39 pm
da Gabbiano
grazie Giovanna,non sempre ci sono buone notizie..povera Edna..speriamo che Magee torni a volare bene e meglio se libera nei cieli, l'importante comunque è che stia bene e che si riprenda :)

Inviato: dom lug 27, 2008 9:52 pm
da Naliza70
Uffi... mi dispiace per Edna... sperimo che Magee si riprenda presto e ritorni alla sua liberta'...