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Moderatori: °°Gaia°°, Passera, Giovanna, Giac

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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
Località: Firenze

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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
Località: Firenze

Messaggio da Nuri945 »


It is a beautiful day here at the Loch of the Lowes and the surface of the water is so calm it is like glass. The birds are singing, the red squirrels are running about and everything is peaceful. The female osprey is incubating her eggs and the male has been feeding her every morning for the last few days. There have been quite a few low flying aircrafts around the area causing the osprey to duck every time one passes and there was a bit of excitement on Monday when a buzzard agitated the female but apart for that everything has been calm. We are already half way through the osprey watch and the volunteers have been brilliant, working around the clock to make sure the ospreys are protected and not disturbed.

Sedge warblers and willow warblers have finally arrived and we have a pair of long tailed ducks and a sighting of a whooper swan on the loch. There are several red squirrels running around the centre munching on nuts left at the bird feeders. They are currently looking a little bit scraggy with a few bald patches due their abnormal moulting pattern but their fur should grow back soon and then they will be back to their lovely little furry selves. It is a brilliant day just to sit and admire the wildlife in the tranquillity that is the Loch of the Lowes.

Bella giornata a Loch of the Lowes adatta a soffermarsi e ammirare la bellezza della natura. La cova prosegue tranquilla, la superficie dell'acqua è calma per una buona pesca. I volontari hanno ben vigilato 24 ore su 24 per la sicurezza dei falchi

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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
Località: Firenze

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stiratina d'ali (che grandi ali hai....)

si vedono tutt'e tre le uova
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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
Località: Firenze

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Immagine nido bagnato.....poverina :cry: :cry:
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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
Località: Firenze

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oggi va decisamente meglio
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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
Località: Firenze

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

30 April 2009
Ospreys are opportunistic feeders and eat a variety of different species of fish, which is dependent on the country they inhabit. This can include pollock, flounder, mullet, trout, carp and roach to name but a few. The ospreys at the Loch of the Lowes catch rainbow trout, perch and pike which are readily available in the lochs surrounding the area. Although ospreys are known to only eat fish, ospreys on Tiran Island in the northern Red Sea have expanded their diet to also include molluscs. They have learned to crack open the shells by dropping the conchs on steel drums allowing them to get to the mollusc within. Clever birds those ospreys!

I Falchi pescatori mangiano varie specie differenti di pesce secondo il paese che abitano: ad esempio muggine, trota, carpa ecc. Qelli del Loch del Lowes preferiscono la trota iridea, la pertica ed il luccio che sono disponibili facilmente nei lochs che circondano la zona. Anche se i Falchi pescatori sono conosciuti per mangiare soltanto i pesci, quelli sull'isola di Tiran nel Mar Rosso del Nord hanno ampliato la loro dieta includendo i molluschi. Hanno imparato ad aprirli facendoli cadere e ottenere così il mollusco dentro. Uccelli intelligenti quei ospreys!

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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
Località: Firenze

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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
Località: Firenze

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

20 May 2009

Despite the sad news yesterday about the loss of one of the chicks - the third egg successfully hatched this morning at 8:26 am! We are keeping our fingers crossed for this little one.

19 May 2009

Unfortunately one of the osprey chicks has died, probably due to the amount of rain over the last few days; however, on a good note, the third egg is still hatching so fingers crossed for another chick.

16 May 2009

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that our first two osprey chicks have hatched.The first one hatched yesterday evening at 21:20 and the second less than 11 hours later, at 7:50 this morning.The first chick has already received its long-awaited meal of fish at 6:50 this morning and the second will soon have the luxury of trying fish for the very first time.We are staying hopeful that the third egg will hatch but due to the time lag between the second and the third egg being laid, it has a lower survival chance. If the chick does hatch then it will be a lot smaller and weaker than its siblings and will therefore find it harder to compete for food, but we are still holding out hope that it will make its way into this world and survive to a ripe old age along with its siblings.

Our little orphaned duckling, named Twister after Oliver Twist, is still doing well and seems to be thriving with his new family.We are still continuing to keep the feeders inside and dry to kill the parasites and hope to have them out again in the coming week.

Music: Irina’s Waltz performed by Findlay Napier and the Bar Room Mountaineers (www

nati 2 pulcini il 16 maggio, uno morto il 19 forse per la troppa pioggia ma nato il terzo oggi
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Iscritto il: lun mag 05, 2008 2:13 pm
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Cavoli, mi dispiace, ma è un nido veramente tanto esposto alle intemperie :cry:
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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
Località: Firenze

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sembrano belli vispi
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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
Località: Firenze

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

22 maggio 2009
It has been a very eventful and hectic week here so the best place for me to start would be where I left off on Saturday 16 May. On Sunday at around 3 pm we were a bit concerned when the male returned to the nest and started making alarm calls whilst looking down below the nest. This led us to believe that there was either an unwanted predator stalking below the nest or someone was out for a stroll and perhaps unaware that there was an osprey nest above them. We then spent the nest hour watching him and driving around to ensure there was no-one near the nest. He seemed to calm down after circling around the nest a few times before finally leaving to perch on a tree close by. The presence of deer on our excursions around the reserve told us that there was no-one nearby as the deer would have been scared off by any walkers. This left us at a bit of a loss about what caused the male to react in this way. The male had brought in fish at noon and at 4:15 pm and the female was feeding the chicks but unfortunately, as had been from the start, the first chick appeared to be getting the majority of the food. The following day the female started to act odd in the morning and behaving the same way as the male had done. When she flew off and returned we soon discovered what had caused all the commotion the day before. It was not a predator or human presence which got the male so riled up, it was simply that he had dropped a fish down the side of the nest and could not get to it. He certainly gave us something to think about!
The mother and chicks were fed both in the morning and the evening on the 18th but by then the second chick was already getting incredibly weak and the lack of food the next day combined with the bad weather we were experiencing did not help matters. Unfortunately the youngest chick passed away at around mid-day which left everyone upset and concerned for the wellbeing of the remaining chick if the weather did not improve to provide the male with the right conditions to fish. The male did bring in three fish later that evening between 4:45 pm and 9:25 pm but it was all too little to late for the youngest chick.
Our sorrow was replaced with joy on the morning of the 20th when our third egg hatched. We noticed a crack in the egg on Monday 18 May but it had taken two days for the little chick to finally muster all its strength and break free form the shell at 8:25 am. The mother and the first chick were fed at 5:12 am and it was just a matter of time before the male would return with a fish for the newly born chick. Weather conditions were ideal for fishing and it was a beautiful day so we had great expectations for this chick if the weather remained good. We waited in anticipation all day, constantly reassuring ourselves that he would come in with a fish soon, but it never came. We were seriously concerned for the chicks wellbeing by tea-time because there was still no fish in sight although the male had returned twice to the nest empty handed so we knew there was nothing wrong with the male. By 9:50 pmhe finally brought in a very small fish but the female only fed herself and the oldest chick. The lack of fishing by the male recently has concerned us slightly but the female has certainly seemed to have had a good word with him because over the last few days he has been returning with quite a few fish and both chicks are getting fed and looking healthy. She has even had to leave parts of the fish for later because she is getting too much food to eat in one go so hopefully her stern words have kicked him into shape and he will bring in fish more regularly.

La scarsità di cibo per il cattivo tempo che rende difficoltosa la pesca ha causato la morte del secondo pulcino già debole.

Già lunedì 18 maggio c'era una crepa nell'uovo ma ci sono voluti due giorni affinchè il terzo pulcino infine radunasse tutta la sua forza per liberarsi completamente dal guscio alle 8:25.

Durante gli ultimi giorni il maschio, complice il bel tempo, porta parecchi pesci ed entrambi i pulcini sono alimentati e sembrano sani.
Dei pesci vista l'abbondanza di cibo vengono messi da parte per utilizzarli successivamente .

Immagine direi che sta piovendo :cry:
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Messaggi: 9214
Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
Località: Firenze

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

Immagine Loch of the Lowes i due pulcini cominciano a muoversi nel nido controllati a vista dalla madre

Immagine Immagine falco pellegrino scogliera fiume Clyde
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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
Località: Firenze

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Immagine primo nato

Immagine terzo nato


Immagine i piccoli hanno molta fame e lei chiede con insistenza cibo al maschio
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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
Località: Firenze

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

tempo bello e pesca abbondante, i piccoli crescono bene :P :P :P


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