Pagina 3 di 4

Inviato: mer mar 19, 2008 11:54 pm
da Giovanna
Non che servano conferme.. :D :wink:

Inviato: gio mar 20, 2008 12:15 am
da Sonia
Interessanti i commenti sulla deposizione delle uova e la temperatura.

dal sito:
March 19, 2008
What A Difference A Day Makes
Posted by Laura James-Reim
Just wanted to point something out about the behavior of the adults today. If you looked in at all yesterday, the one lone egg seemed to be uncovered most of the day. The temps in Indy weren't hot, they weren't cold, and so to the falcons they probably seemed just right. Otherwise, there would have been more coverage.

Contrast that with today and the behavior of both adults. The eggs have been covered most of the morning by either Kinney or KathyQ. Our temperatures are at least 10 degrees colder and Indy is weathering an extremely windy and rainy day - one might call this a raw day. Although incubation hasn't really started yet - we do expect they will lay more eggs based on their history - the eggs need to be kept warm.

These are seasoned, experienced parents - thank goodness they know what they are doing!



Inviato: sab mar 22, 2008 11:41 pm
da Sonia


foto di Skygirlblue


Inviato: lun mar 24, 2008 11:49 am
da Sonia
March 23, 2008
Four Of A Kind
Read Comments
It's here - we are pretty darn sure. After much consultation and photo enhancing of the eggs in question between Richard and me and a resounding vote of confidence from my husband in the egg counting department (thank you Heinz), we announce the arrival of egg number 4 around 8:30 EDT, 3/23. However, if you late night or west coast falconheads happen to catch her off the eggs and see those nice four reddish-brown treasures, we'd sure appreciate if you would capture that pic just so we can be double-sure.


Inviato: mar apr 01, 2008 5:55 pm
da Sonia
Ma ciao!!!
Insieme! :D



:D :D

dalla stazza direi che lei voglia riprendere il suo posto alla cova! :lol:

Inviato: mar apr 01, 2008 6:08 pm
da Sonia
restano insieme!

:D :D


ma c'è movimento oggi! :lol:

detto ciò, se ne è andato/a?


Inviato: lun apr 21, 2008 2:05 pm
da Sonia
si cova alla grande!

ma hanno spostato Indy qua nella nostra bellissima pianura padana? :lol:



Inviato: mar apr 22, 2008 9:16 pm
da Sonia
pesce palla come Aisha! :lol:


anche KathyQ è una grande grande lady falcon! :D

Inviato: mar apr 22, 2008 10:59 pm
da Sonia
ah dimenticavo,
si avvicina la schiusa anche qua!




Inviato: gio apr 24, 2008 11:35 am
da Sonia

23 04 08
Pip Pip Hooray??!!??!!
Okay, there has been much discussion back and forth between Richard and myself about seeing a pip on one of the eggs today. This isn't a 100% confirmation, but I'm going out on a limb and saying one egg has pipped. So maybe tonight? wee hours of the morning? daybreak tomorrow?

Hopefully, it's soon. Both parents have seemed very restless today and looking down at their little clutch alot.

And as I've said in the past dear falconheads but it bears repeating for anyone new looking in, I like my sleep so I won't be watching all night. If it happens, I know some of you will be watching and will catch it all if it does. Please feel free to post comments and to post pics to the google group if you want to.

Thank goodness there are some folks who are night owls - me, I'm an early bird.


Ieri sera da casa era tutto uno spostamento e KathyQ ha "parlato" tantissimo con le uova...

oggi la novità!
attesa :lol:



Inviato: gio apr 24, 2008 3:06 pm
da Sonia
anche il secondo è già nato!!!

foto di Kimmarie


:D :D

Inviato: ven apr 25, 2008 12:23 am
da Giovanna
Qualche altra rubata ad AlisonL.. :oops: :D
Molto dolci!


Inviato: ven apr 25, 2008 12:26 am
da Sonia
molto molto dolciose!!!

:D :D

Inviato: ven apr 25, 2008 11:21 pm
da Sonia
It's Official - 3!
We see 3 little beaks this morning. It looks like it happened around 1 am as some faithful falconheads reported seeing the broken shell (which wasn't there earlier) about that time. Thanks everyone.

One more to go! My guess would be sometime today.

Do you realize there were 3 little hatchlings in less than 24 hours here in Indianapolis? My goodness me!

:D :D :D


Inviato: dom apr 27, 2008 11:33 pm
da Giovanna
Pranzetto.. :D
Immagine(posted by Buckiles, thx! :D )