Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

:sun: :sun: :sun:
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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da Giovanna »

:flower: :flower: :flower:
- São aves cheias de abismo,
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- Fernando Pessoa
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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

da fb Pot Plant Owl

1 September and the first day of our Spring. PPO is back!

...primo giorno di primavera e PPO è tornata!!!!!!!
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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da Giovanna »

Dal blog di Allan&Tracy.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

1st September and PPO arrives..
It's official. On this first very warm day of Spring, Pot Plant Owl is comfortably sitting in the pot plant.

This morning we woke up early and checked the balcony for any signs of our owl visitors. The sun was just rising and there seemed to be no owl in sight. A few minutes later, I happened to look on the balcony again.

And there she was - standing on the balcony railing staring straight at me. I knew immediately that PPO wanted to move in and nest, so I quickly hid out of view. No sooner had I done that, I heard a murder of crows on the rooftop nearby. The crows were perched on the edge of the rooftop - staring in the direction of Pot Plant Owl on the balcony railing, waiting to attack.

I stuck my head out of the window, and in my best immitation of Allan's 'crow-crowing-with-flailing-arms' stunt, I scared the crows off pretty quickly. (Perhaps 'scared' is not the correct word. They were probably not the least bit afraid of me, but thought me too odd to hang around near). With crows away, I turned my attention to PPO again.

The little stinker! While I was protecting the territory, she seized the opportunity to settle down into the pot plant container. But hold on - that's not the 'stinky' part of this tale.

I know that PPO knows where the cameras and the microphone are. I know that she has sussed this all out long before this morning. I know she, along with Pappa, saw us all puzzling over the best angles and distances for the camera views and sound. And I bet, she sat and chuckled to herself thinking: 'Just you wait, you know-it-all-humans!' - a message that, were I an animal with general telepathic abilities, I would have picked up days ago.

PPO a.k.a. Little Stinker is dozing off in the 'wrong' pot plant. She's sitting pretty in the pot plant NOT covered by the big camera, night light, microphone...

For the first time in 5 years, Pot Plant Owl has chosen the far pot plant as her nest for this year, and there is nothing we can do about it.Except change the camera, swivel the night light, move the microphone....

What has caused this change of pot plant container? We don't know for certain, but I suspect a lot has to do with the increase in crows in the Jozi area, and in our area in particular. The container she has chosen has a small 'Mickey Mouse' bush in it. She ducks out of sight of crows perfectly. Very close to the container is a reed wall cover which further protects her from the crows. And perhaps PPO wants more cover from our summer thunderstorms. Who knows!

Sigh! She's been here for 8 hours and already she's got us running around after her.
Still, I wouldn't have it any other way...
- São aves cheias de abismo,
Como nos sonhos as há.
- Fernando Pessoa
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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da Gabbiano »

grazie Giovanna......speriamo di poterli seguire anche quest'anno....erano troppo belli :okok: :lol:
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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

brevissimo sunto:
1 settembre, primo giorno molto caldo di primavera e PPO è confortevolmente seduta nel vaso...
....mentre difendevo il territorio da dei corvi che erano sul tetto in attesa di attaccare PPO che era sulla ringhiera, PPO è andata ad accomodarsi nel vaso ma questa "little stinker" per la prima volta dopo 5 anni ha scelto un vaso lontano dalla cam, dal microfono e dalla luce notturna e lei sapeva benissimo dove sono la cam e il microfono perchè ci guardava con Pappa mentre sistemavamo il tutto....ed ora non ci resta altro che cambiare la telecamera, ruotare la luce di notte, spostare il microfono .....forse ha scelto questo vaso per proteggersi dai molti corvi che sono nella zona, il vaso scelto ha un piccolo cespuglio, lì è perfettamente fuori dalla vista dei corvi, vicino al vaso c'è un caniccio che la protegge ancora di più dai corvi e forse voleva una maggiore protezione dai temporali...chissà
E' stata qui per 8 ore e ci ha già dato molto da fare...............

link del blog

Ci sarà da divertirsi, la festa comincia
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Iscritto il: sab apr 28, 2007 10:59 am
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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da Gabbiano »

:group: :group: :group: :group:
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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da Giovanna »

Grazie Dani per la pazienza nel tradurre!
Ci sarà da divertirsi, si, la festa è cominciata.
Speriamo bene che la minaccia dei corvi ( :na: ) sia sventata, Tracy&Allan aiuteranno i gufi a difendere le uova e i piccoli.
- São aves cheias de abismo,
Como nos sonhos as há.
- Fernando Pessoa
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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da Sandro »

da fb

3 September:
one egg in the new pot plant container and PPO seems quite at home. We managed to turn the camera around so hopefully we will be going live soon...
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Iscritto il: sab apr 28, 2007 10:59 am
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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da Gabbiano »

:brav: :brav: :brav:

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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

e UNO :egg: :ya:
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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da pamela »

bellissima sorpresa
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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da Giovanna »

:yaho: :yaho: :yaho:
- São aves cheias de abismo,
Como nos sonhos as há.
- Fernando Pessoa
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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da Warbler »

Bellissime notizie :group: :group:

Scusate se non sono intervenuta per aiutare con la traduzione ma ho problemi familiari.
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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
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Re: Gufi in Sud Africa - Pot Plant Owl 2012

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

Warbler ha scritto:Bellissime notizie :group: :group:

Scusate se non sono intervenuta per aiutare con la traduzione ma ho problemi familiari.
non ti preoccupare, ma continuo a contare su di te se faccio qualche imperdonabile errore :flower:

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