Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

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ormai la stagione volge al termine, i falchi staranno in zona fino ad agosto in istruzione :) e può capitare di rivederli nel nido come è successo giovedì..............





Foto: mostra uno scambio di cibo tra un adulto e un giovane..................... the adult female passing the flag on the top of the tower as she arrives on the pinnacle on which she likes to watch over proceedings (three shots by Ian Bradley). E una foto di Jurys Inn in cima al quale i juvs hanno speso un bel po 'di tempo fa.
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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da Giovanna »

Bellissimo vederli così!

:okok: :okok: :okok:

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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da Warbler »

Grazie :group: :group: :group: :brav: :brav:
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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da Gabbiano »

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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da Gabbiano »

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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da Gabbiano »

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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

avete visto il nuovo blog? http://derbyperegrines.blogspot.it/
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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da Dieffe »

Grazie! :clap:
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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da Giovanna »

Dal sito. (Visto, mi piace!) :brav:
Un pellegrino senza anelli trovato ferito, ma già curato e rilasciato (ottimo falconiere!) e buone notizie su Cathy che vive la sua vita certo limitata, ma protetta e al meglio possibile.
Grazie a Colin. :love1: :love1: :love1:

Peregrine in Hospital
This morning, we were surprised to hear Radio Derby carry a story in the news about a peregrine falcon that had been found injured at the new Royal Derby Hospital. It had been collected by staff and was about to be released later in the day, having been cared for in captivity for some days.

Photograph: Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
This came as a quite a surprise as we'd heard nothing and nobody had thought to contact us, not even from the radio station with whom we've long had a close association. Luckily we know that our two birds were seen on top of Jurys Inn on Monday afternoon, so it couldn't be one of ours. That was a relief.

We immediately rang both Radio Derby and the Royal Derby Hospital facilities team. The story emerged that an adult peregrine had been found bloodied and injured at the bottom of a small courtyard which acted as a light well to the seven storey hospital building. Luckily a falconer employed by the NHS Trust happened to be present that day (he comes every week from a professional pest control company to use their own falcons to reduce the pigeon problem around the new hospital). He took the bird back with him and to a vet for examination.

Peregrine falcon just before release.
Last seen heading towards Mickleover.
(Photo: Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)
I spoke to the falconer, Ritchie, this morning and learnt that the injured adult falcon had been convalescing in captivity for some days, and was shortly to be released. He thought it was between four and six years old. We have looked into trying to get the bird ringed by our licenced ringer today, but have been unable to reach him at such short notice. We also discussed holding the bird for a further night at the home for a local Derby falconer, so it could be ringed in the morning. But Ritchie felt it has been held in captivity long enough, and was keen to release it as soon as possible. So by 3pm it was agreed it would be released unringed. As always, it is important to put the interests of the wildlife before the interests of scientific study or education.

At this time we don't know where the falcon came from; we do know that other peregrines are seen from time to time over Derby, though these normally get seen off from the city centre by the resident birds. Meanwhile, our own injured falcon from 2009, Cathy, is still being cared for by our local falconer. She has always been well enough to fly (I've flown her myself), though we knew she would never have the ability to hunt and feed herself in the wild. We are currently discussing what arrangements we make for her in the future, and hope we might be able to get her seen by more people and school children than has been possible up to now.
You can follow the original story of Cathy here and here and here

Nick Moyes
Peregrines and People Technical Advisor
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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

:coolyea: :coolyea: :coolyea:
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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

dal blog

Immagine il maschio

Immagine la femmina

Colin Pass ci ha inviato un paio di foto del maschio adulto e della femmina sull'insegna del Jurys Inn un paio di settimane fa.......stiamo trovando pochi resti di prede ai piedi della torre, ma siamo sicuri che i falchi pellegrini si stanno approfittando delle migliaia di uccelli migratori che sono arrivati nel Derbyshire negli ultimi due mesi. Tra loro ci saranno beccaccia e beccaccino (entrambi catturati durante la notte quando migrano sopra la città), anatra verde acqua, pavoncella e piviere dorato, più cesene e tordi...e questo inverno vista l'abbondanza di beccofrusoni provenienti dalla Scandinavia e dalla Russia in cerca di sorbo, pyracantha e altre bacche nellestrade di periferia, intorno a supermercati e centri commerciali........terremo gli occhi aperti per vedere se ci saranno loro penne con le punte rosse cerosi. Nel 2006, un altro anno con molti beccofrusoni furono trovate un paio di loro penne presso la cattedrale .... quindi i falchi pellegrini potrebbero catturarne anche questo inverno.
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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da Sandro »

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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da Giovanna »

Mi permetto di ridimensionare le belle immagini di Colin Pass :beer: perché, almeno su questo computer, ne vedo solo degli angolini.. :emo_pic_105:
Falcon CPass Oct2012_by Colin_Derby.JPG
Falcon CPass Oct2012_by Colin_Derby.JPG (41.72 KiB) Visto 4813 volte
Tiercel CPass Oct 2012_Derby.JPG
Tiercel CPass Oct 2012_Derby.JPG (43.12 KiB) Visto 4813 volte
- São aves cheias de abismo,
Como nos sonhos as há.
- Fernando Pessoa
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Iscritto il: lun apr 07, 2008 6:18 pm
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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da Nuri945 »

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Re: Falchi pellegrini a Derby - UK

Messaggio da pamela »


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