Help us improve or make a donation to!

On you can follow a live broadcasting of wild birds that have spontaneously chosen to settle in the nests we have installed in cities and in the countryside all over Italy. Every year in addition to maintaining the existing nests we install new ones in other structures that provide a safe place for different species. The nests broadcast on this website are a small representative sample of the species we study, but the ones we manage each year are many more.

We are driven by our passion and all costs related to broadcasting and nest installation are covered by the scientific association Ornis italica with the occasional support of sponsors or donations. We would be happy to receive any suggestion on how to improve our service, so please write to if you have any. To support us with a donation you can:

  • make a bank transfer to
    Ornis italica, Piazza Crati 15, 00199 Roma
    IBAN: IT59Z0200805013000010299591
    with the reason “birdcam management donation”
  • click on the button below

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