Pagina 4 di 10

Inviato: mar mar 18, 2008 4:59 pm
da Giovanna
Grande la regina!!! :D :D :D

Questa foto di Kaver che fa la scrape è molto simpatica.
ImmagineUPDATE! The Falconcam’s high-resolution Main Camera caught this humorous picture of Kaver in the act! You can see him laying in the depression and pushing the stones out behind him. He kind of looks like a baseball player sliding for home, doesn’t he?

The “Egg-stone"
Sometimes the falcons’ excavation uncovers something interesting. Observant viewers will note the round, reddish brown object near the back edge of the scrape. You could be forgiven for thinking that’s an egg. We thought so too on first glance, but Mariah hasn’t exhibited any egg-laying behavior yet, such as becoming lethargic or gravid, nor has she spent long periods crouched in the scrape. When she does begin her egg laying behavior we’ll be sure to let you know. Da "Imprints"
In effetti si tratta solo di una pietra..
:wink: Immagine

Inviato: gio mar 20, 2008 10:14 pm
da Sonia
sei troppo bella!


Inviato: lun mar 24, 2008 4:03 pm
da Giovanna
Ieri c'è stata una feroce battaglia per difendere il nido contro una femmina intrusa. M&K hanno combattuto insieme, a turno, con determinazione. Dopo ogni attacco si sono accoppiati! :D
Riporto il testo integrale di Carol P.

Terrible day at Kodak today! M & K had to fight off at least one determined female PF!

This is long but worth the read!
I arrived downtown around 9:00 a.m. I figured I'd spend a nice quiet
couple of hours enjoying my morning cup of coffee. It was bitter
cold, temps in the 20's (F) with bright sunshine and a beautiful blue
sky. From 9 til 11 a.m. it was very quiet. I watched M&K mate a
couple of times. It was almost time to leave to enjoy my Easter

After M&K mated a 2nd time, Kaver flew off and collected a stash off
of the tower. He back and forth in front of Mariah with his
offering. She took off from the tower and pursued Kaver, finally
grabbing the prey and flying with it over to the High Falls Stack.
Kaver landed near the nest box and all was quiet. For a moment only.

Kak Kak Kak Kak!!!!!

Mariah sounded the alarm! Kaver flew off of the tower, heading
south. I watched him with my binoculars, until he met up with a bird
past the communication tower. This bird was larger than Kaver and it

They both turned and started heading north towards the Kodak Tower!
No matter how Kaver tried to push "The Intruder" away, she kept
coming towards the tower. They were high above me. That's when I
spotted a 3rd Falcon, higher than the two battling above me! I
quickly looked back at the tower and Mariah was up on the southeast
corner of the launchpad, still sounding the alarm. I lost track of
the 4th Falcon, but Kaver and the female (who has a large gap in her
tail feathers) were coming closer and closer to the tower.

Since Kaver was having such a hard time controlling the Intruder, he
and Mariah changed places. Kaver landed on the tower and Mariah took
off chasing the female towards downtown. Mariah is definitely a
force to be reckoned with! A few moments later, Mariah returned,
landing on the southeast corner of the playpen (base). Kaver took
off and they mated almost immediately.

I quickly got on the phone. Since it was Easter Sunday, I wasn't
sure who to call. I didn't want to bother anyone, but I needed to
let the other Watchers know what was going on. I called Kathy O and
told her what was happening. She said she'd let Lisa know and I soon
received a call from Lisa. She was on her way!

All was peaceful at the tower. I hoped it would remain that way, but
it wasn't to be.

Alarm Kaking came from the tower. I quickly looked around, not
spotting anything. Both Mariah and Kaver took off heading south.
The Intruder was again heading in towards the tower. This time both
M&K were able to turn her around. I was very happy to see Lisa McK
pull into the visitor's parking lot. She had witnessed the attack
while driving towards the tower. M&K returned to the tower and
mated. Interesting that they bond like this after an attack.

Again all was quiet. Just some alarm calls from Mariah that ended up
being passing hawks. No energy was expended on them, thank goodness.

At 1:30 I told Lisa that I would be leaving at 2:00 pm. She decided
it was a good time to go get something to eat and bring it back
before I left.

After Lisa left, all *#@%* broke loose. Again alarm Kaking from the
tower. Again, M&K took off from the tower, speeding towards
downtown! They were really far out before I was able to see their
target. Both M&K attacked in tandem, but the female was bound and
determined to get to the tower. This time she would be successful!

I watched in horror as M&K followed behind the Intruder as she sped
towards the tower. They passed over me, screaming. The Intruder
landed on the east side playpen railing, I could just make her out.
Kaver landed near the nest box and Mariah went inside the nest box.
All was quiet for a moment.

Mariah came out of the nest box and flew around the tower. She was
searching for the Intruder. It didn't take her long to spot her.
For a very long time (it seemed forever) both Mariah and Kaver took
turns stooping on the playpen, where the Intruder had hunkered down.
It was worse than any banding day I've witnessed. They were

Finally Kaver settled on Camera #1 while Mariah continued the
attack. They had to be exhausted!

Barb and Lisa had arrived during this attack and then Kathy O. We
watched Mariah land on the south east corner of the playpen railing
(base). At first it looked like she was resting. As we watched,
Mariah spread her wings, like one of our fledglings mantling food.
Here are a couple of pictures I took while she did this.

Again all was quiet. Just some alarm calls from Mariah that ended up
being passing hawks. No energy was expended on them, thank goodness.

At 1:30 I told Lisa that I would be leaving at 2:00 pm. She decided
it was a good time to go get something to eat and bring it back
before I left.

After Lisa left, all *#@%* broke loose. Again alarm Kaking from the
tower. Again, M&K took off from the tower, speeding towards
downtown! They were really far out before I was able to see their
target. Both M&K attacked in tandem, but the female was bound and
determined to get to the tower. This time she would be successful!

I watched in horror as M&K followed behind the Intruder as she sped
towards the tower. They passed over me, screaming. The Intruder
landed on the east side playpen railing, I could just make her out.
Kaver landed near the nest box and Mariah went inside the nest box.
All was quiet for a moment.

Mariah came out of the nest box and flew around the tower. She was
searching for the Intruder. It didn't take her long to spot her.
For a very long time (it seemed forever) both Mariah and Kaver took
turns stooping on the playpen, where the Intruder had hunkered down.
It was worse than any banding day I've witnessed. They were

Finally Kaver settled on Camera #1 while Mariah continued the
attack. They had to be exhausted!

Barb and Lisa had arrived during this attack and then Kathy O. We
watched Mariah land on the south east corner of the playpen railing
(base). At first it looked like she was resting. As we watched,
Mariah spread her wings, like one of our fledglings mantling food.
Here are a couple of pictures I took while she did this.

We couldn't see what had Mariah's attention, but as we watched (again
in horror!) Mariah went through the bars and into the playpen. We
could hear horrible sounds of fighting inside the playpen. It seemed
to last forever. Kaver watched from above on Camera #. FINALLY,
Mariah chased the Intruder out of the playpen and both she and Kaver
chased her around the tower heading north this time. We all spread
out in different directions, but none of us were able to see where
they went. Thankfully it wasn't long before first Mariah and then
Kaver returned to the nest box area. Whew!

Lisa, Barb, Kathy O and I gathered back at our cars in the visitor's
parking lot. Not one of us was unaffected by what had just
happened. We watched nervously for awhile, but all remained quiet.

I decided to leave at 3:00 p.m. I was glad to hear from Lisa that
all was quiet after that. Both M&K have to be exhausted! Let's hope
that the Intruding female has finally been pushed away from the tower
and she'll find a new nesting area for herself. I never did see that
4th Falcon again.

Here's a small video snippet of M&K attacking the playpen area just
after Lisa and Barb arrived. Size 5,174 KB - No sign in required. ... &y=-7oba21

I truly hope there are only quiet days ahead for Mariah & Kaver.

Carol P.

Riesco a vedere il video, ma non le foto..
Oggi sembra tutto tranquillo.. e sicuramente sotto controllo!
Immagine :D

Ecco le due foto by Carol dell'attacco di Kaver. Si nota bene quanto più grande sia la femmina intrusa.
Le auguro di trovare presto il suo territorio, ma lontano dalla casa di Maria&Kaver.

Inviato: lun mar 24, 2008 4:14 pm
da Visione60

Inviato: mer mar 26, 2008 1:10 pm
da Sonia
Certo, vicini la differenza è davvero impressionante!





Inviato: mer mar 26, 2008 4:29 pm
da Giovanna
Loro non lo sanno che sono il test più facile per i principianti.. impossibile sbagliare. :lol:
Ma meglio non dirgli niente, metti caso si dovessero offendere... :oops:

Inviato: gio mar 27, 2008 12:27 pm
da Sonia
... questo non è un sasso!




Inviato: gio mar 27, 2008 1:43 pm
da Giovanna
No no, questo è il #1!!! :D :D :D

Mariah laid her first egg at about 9:55 PM!!! (Dumpsterkitty)

"Imprints": At about 9:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time on March 26, Mariah laid her first egg of 2008! We’re glad to see that the recent territory battle doesn’t appear to have placed undue stress on the falcons.

Mariah generally lays her eggs at intervals of 50-55 hours, so egg #2 should come in the early morning hours of Saturday, March 29.



Inviato: ven mar 28, 2008 6:21 pm
da Giovanna
Qualcuno si è chiesto se per caso la battaglia contro l'intrusa avesse causato qualche problema a Mariah... :roll:
- Guys, don't forget: I'm the Queen!


Inviato: sab mar 29, 2008 10:24 pm
da Sonia
è proprio bella!


Inviato: dom mar 30, 2008 12:03 am
da Giovanna
Si, bella e fiera! :D :D :D
Ancora #1.


Inviato: dom mar 30, 2008 1:13 am
da Giovanna
#1 anche per la 'piccola' Rhea Mae&Tiago a Toronto!!! :D :D :D


Per lei è proprio il primo in assoluto!
Mi fa una grande tenerezza.
Sembra impossibile e invece è solo ..normale.. :wink:
Slide show at ... 7924930307

Inviato: dom mar 30, 2008 7:24 pm
da Giovanna
Spiacente, vi faccio aspettare.. :D :P

Inviato: lun mar 31, 2008 2:54 pm
da Giovanna
Dal sito:
(March 31, 2008)-- Second EGG is here! Approximately 8:32 am this morning, Mariah laid her SECOND egg!!!

Ora sta così, un po' truce (lei è così) e stanca..


Inviato: lun mar 31, 2008 6:37 pm
da Giovanna
Ecco le prime foto del secondo uovo di Mariah! :D :D


E un'immagine deliziosa della coppia (thx, Annie! :D )

( - E' fantastico, cara!
- Naturalmente, caro!)


Altre postate da Joyce at ... post_28954