Peregrine falcons – Alrisha & Sirius


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At Ornis italica we’ve been following this couple of peregrine falcons since 2019. Their nest box is on a disused chimney of the healthcare waste incinerator at the AMA waste management plant in Ponte Malnome, Rome. The chimney is located in a heavily industrialized area, but overlooks a large nature reserve on the coast of Lazio. This reserve hosts many species of birds, the peregrines’ favourite prey.

The presence of this couple here has been known for many years, and was follower by the bird watchers of the nearby Oasi LIPU of Castel di Guido. Their nest was on a refinery tower dismantled in 2018. The following year, Ornis italica installed a nest box on a similar building in the closeby AMA plant, to make up for the loss of the previous site. In 2020, for the first time, we were pleased to see that the nest was occupied.

We thank AMA for the availability and technical support in managing this nest box.

Since 2004 Ornis italica, the association of ornithologists running the project, is in charge of installing and maintaining webcams on the nests of wild birds

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